Huayi Yang

I am currently a first-year Graduate student at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, advised by Prof. Deqing Wang. My research area is Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, especially interested in Zero/Few Shot Learning, MultiModal Machine Learning. I am seeking how these techniques can improve the ability of models to process and understand multimodal information.


  • Beihang University, Beijing, China
    • M.S. in Computer Engineering, From Sep. 2019 to Jan.2022(Expected)
  • Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China
    • B.S. in Computer Science, From Sep. 2014 to Jul. 2018


  • Ting Jiang, Deqing Wang, Leilei Sun, Huayi Yang, Zhengyang zhao, Fuzhen zhuang. LightXML: Transformer with Dynamic Negative Sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.03305, 2021. (AAAI2021 Accepted)

  • Jianzheng Liu, Huayi Yang. Video playback attack detection method based on flickering light(Chinese). Computer Programming Skills and Maintenance, 2016 (07): 5-7 + 11.

  • Chaofan Yang, Siyang Zhang, Peng Chen, Huayi Yang. Analysis of Campus Navigation System Based on Android Platform(Chinese). Wireless Internet Technology, 2016 (02): 21-22.